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Ever wish you could get to and from your favorite tree stand without disturbing the deer feeding on your plot or funnel deer closer to your tree stand? Most of us have been in situations like this, so that was our inspiration to develop a blend using 6 different sorghums including Egyptian Wheat that makes it easy to grow a tall and thick natural food plot screen.
Our food plot screen blend allows you to grow a visual barrier around or near your food plots. This provides security for whitetails while feeding and hiding your movements to and from your stand. It was developed and tested on our hunting grounds in Minnesota over several years and under harsh conditions, so we have full confidence in our food plot screen seed. If you're looking for a plot screen for deer, this is it!
The original food plot screen seed is an annual blend that can easily be planted in numerous different shapes and scenarios and can provide you with a thick natural screen that can reach heights of over 12 feet. The varied plant heights will help the screen stand up to the high wind and snow that Mother Nature likes to throw at us each year.
Frigid Forage developed this revolutionary blend and there are now numerous imitators in the marketplace. You can buy with confidence knowing you are getting the original and the best food plot screen blend.
Plant late Spring or early Summer. Prefers full sun and moist well drained soil. It must be replanted each year. It is important to not over-seed. View our food plot screen planting instructions.
The seeding rate is 12-15 lbs/acre for our food plot screen blend.
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