
The Best Food Plots For Sandy Soil

Frigid Forage's Wall Hanger food plot seed is ideal for sandy soil. It is best planted in Spring or late Summer in lighter or sandy soil in sunny areas. It is ideal for the serious Whitetail hunter.

Buy Wall Hanger Food Plot Seed

Why use Wall Hanger Seed for Sandy Soil?

If you have lighter or sandy soil, the Wall Hanger food plot seed is ideal for you. It is one of our best food plot seeds for sandy soil. The Wall Hanger seed blend is a healthy blend of alfalfa, chicory, and clovers that green up quickly in the Spring and provides high protein forage through early Fall. Like many perennials, alfalfa and chicory grow slowly at first and are very susceptible to overgrazing when first planted. To protect these young plants during the critical early stages of growth, we blended a small percentage of forage turnips, forage rape, and radishes to act as nurse crops for your new seeding. These nurse/cover crops will provide high protein forage for your deer while protecting the young plants from being overgrazed. The following season your clover, chicory and alfalfa will come in strong yet the cover crops will have done their job and will not come back.

Note: The Wall Hanger Seed Blend is pH sensitive, so for best results you want your soil acidity to be between 6.5 and 7.5.

When to Plant Wall Hanger Food Plot Seed?

It is best planted in Spring or late Summer. It prefers full sun, but does well in light or sandy soil. View our Wall Hanger planting instructions.

Seeding Rate for Wall Hanger Food Plot Seed

The seeding rate is 8-10 lbs/acre for our Wall Hanger food plot seed.

What is in Wall Hanger?

Alfalfa, chicory, clovers, and a small percentage of forage turnips, forage rape, and radishes to act as nurse/cover crops.


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  • Wall Hanger – 8.5 lb / 1 Acre Bag           Wall Hanger – 8.5 lb / 1 Acre Bag           Bill Winke Wall Hanger – 8.5 lb / 1 Acre Bag

    Wall Hanger – 8.5 lb / 1 Acre Bag

      8.5 lb bag plants 1 acre 8.5 Lb Contains:  Alfalfa, Forage Chicory, Ladino clover, Medium Red clovers, along with a small percentage of Purple Top Turnips, Forage Rape, Sugar Beets, and Daikon Forage Radish. Wall Hanger Planting...

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