

Wild Game Buffet – 8.5 lb / 1 Acre Bag

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  • Early to Late Season Blends

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  • Proven to Grow


8.5 lb bag plants 1 acre


Contains:  Ladino Clover, White Dutch Clover, Medium Red Clover, Mammoth Red Clover, Alsike Clover along with Vernal Alfalfa. 

 Also contains a small amount of forage turnips, forage rape, & Daikon Radish for a nurse crop and to provide additional forage the first season.


Wild Game Buffet Planting Tips

  1. Wild Game Buffet can be planted in the Spring or late summer/early Fall. Can be planted in most areas from full sun to shade.  Works great on trails and small plots or openings in the woods.  Does not like sandy or very dry soils.
  2.  Since WGB is clover based it prefers a heavier loam or light clay soil, but does well in most soils with proper moisture.  Can be planted with minimal and often no tilling of the soil as long as the existing vegetation is killed with RoundUp.
  3. Condition the soil with a plow, disk, or similar equipment to prepare a good seed bed as early as possible so weeds have a chance to begin growing.  Allow the field to green up then spray with Round Up two weeks before planting.
  4. When ready to plant, loosen up just the seed bed surface with a drag or chain link fence to further prep the soil.   Do not till too deep, tilling deep will only bring more weed seeds to the surface.
  5. Soil should be fertile with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5.  If you are not sure of your soils fertility or pH, have your soil tested. Your local farm co-op or fertilizer dealer can usually help with this.  Apply either pelletized lime or ag lime as needed. *A good fertilizer recommendation is 200-300lbs of 8-24-24
  6. Broadcast or drill at 8-10lbs/acre.
  7. After seeding you can drag the seed bed, but do not cover the seed with more than ¼ inch of top soil.
  8. Important   Use a cultipacker, roller, or even your ATV tires to pack the field to insure good seed/soil contact.  You do not need to worry about covering the seed.  If the seed is planted too deep, it will not grow.  Do not skip this step!
  9. Do a rain dance! As with all plantings, the sooner it rains the better so watch your weather forecast and try to plant before a reasonable chance of rain.
Weed Control Tips

As with all food plots it is always easiest to start with a weed free seed bed using glyphosate (RoundUp).  Begin soil preparation in the Fall or as early in the Spring as possible.  Spray emerging vegetation 2 weeks before planting.

If you plan to plant in the Spring it is always to your advantage to begin tilling and controlling weeds the previous Fall.

Late summer and early Fall plantings offer several advantages over planting in the Spring and typically have a higher success rate.

  • Additional time for soil prep and increased ability to eliminate weeds prior to planting.
  • Plant areas that may be too soft or have difficulty accessing earlier in the year.
  • Your new plot will green up quickly in the Spring and get ahead of most weeds.

Remember that regardless of when you plant, you will see your best growth the following season.

Mowing is an effective way of stimulating new growth along with controlling both grasses and broadleaf weeds. Remember that there are annuals in the WGB during the first year. On a new planting, set your mower at a high level to cut the weeds but leave most of the clover and annuals.  On established plots cut the entire field to a height of about 6”.

If you have a severe weed problem, you can try using a grass selective herbicide such as Select or Poast.


1 Review

  • 5
    Brings in the deer

    Posted by Ed B on 7th Mar 2016

    I live in the Adirondack Mts but work overseas...Last year I planted Wild Game Buffet in late May prior to going back to work in a little open area that the deer would cruise through from time to time over the years...All I did was lime it...Due to a job change I was not able to come back to my plot for hunting and through the growing season, there was no maintenance done to keep the weeds down, etc...I have trail camera pictures from June-Dec and the deer were in this little half acre plot daily eating the clover...I cant wait to do it again this year and then add to it the fall food blend to sweeten the pot!