Food Plot Information

Food Plot Information

Posted by Bill Winke on 28th Dec 2021

The better prepared your seed bed, the better your results will be.   First and foremost you should have your soil tested to determine the fertility and pH (soil acidity) of your wildlife plot.  Testing can usually be done by your local Co Op or you can purchase a test kit from o …
Should You Plant Green Manure Cover Crops?

Should You Plant Green Manure Cover Crops?

Posted by Bill Winke on 15th Apr 2021

A cover crop for food plots is planted specifically to be turned back into the soil and make it for fertile. The quality of your soil directly affects how well certain plants can grow. Industrial farmers, home gardeners, and hunters planting food plots should work to improve the fertility of their s …
A Guide to Maximizing the Potential of Your Hunting Land

A Guide to Maximizing the Potential of Your Hunting Land

Posted by Chris Rice on 11th Jan 2021

One important thing to understand when it comes to maximizing your land’s potential is that it’s done one step at a time. It’s almost impossible to do it all at once. Well, you can, but then you sacrifice the level of quality at which you’ve done it. Indeed, if you want to bring your hunting …
Let Diversity Dictate - By Tom Lalond

Let Diversity Dictate - By Tom Lalond

Posted by Tom LaLond on 27th Oct 2020

The one general improvement every hunter should focus on for their property is the increasing available edge habitat. Well that is, if you want to see more deer, turkeys and wildlife. This focus means setting diversity of available food, cover, and security as top priority. Now good edge habitat is …
When to Spray Grass Herbicide For Clover Food Plots

When to Spray Grass Herbicide For Clover Food Plots

Posted by Bill Winke on 15th Apr 2019

In short, you should spray clover food plots with a grass herbicide like Clethodim 2E, if the grass competition is strong. You should mow it in late spring to control broadleaf weeds. If you want to have a nice clean clover food plot in the fall, you need to maintain it during the summer.F …
What to plant in acidic soil

What to plant in acidic soil

Posted by Skip Sligh on 12th Jul 2018

I have a food plot that is very acidic. Is there anything I could get to grow for a fall food plot as I try to adjust the Ph of the soil moving forward? Thanks for your thoughts and good luck in 2018. You have a few options. There’s a little more to this answer as well as I do want to …